Welcome to
Grosman Tannenbaum Farm
Come By to Choose and Cut a Beautiful Christmas Tree for the
Holiday Season for Only $80 (Any Size)
Let's talk!
Welcome to Grosman Tannenbaum Farm, a choose and cut / cut your own Christmas tree farm in the southern New Hampshire. Grosman Tannenbaum Farm's address is 144 Windham Road, Pelham, NH 03076. We are located in the area bounded by Nashua and Manchester, NH, and Lawrence and Lowel, MA. In 2024, our first day open will be Friday, November 29th (8:00AM to 4:00PM), continuing to be open on weekends (Fri., Sat. and Sun.) until December 8th. Please feel free to contact us at (339) 227-7538 or email us at grosmantreefarm@hotmail.com if you have any questions.